87 E. Lake Mead Parkway
Henderson, NV 89015
(702) 567-5050
Susan: Vienna all-beef hot dog
Eric: Maxwell Street Style Polish Sausage. "Delicious and oniony and greasy. The onions are perfect and the grease is perfect."
The sales guy was grumpy, and was having a bad day. "No more hot dogs for five minutes!" And then, "No more hot dogs for at least ten minutes!" And then lots of angry yelling on the telephone while people kind of stood around, patiently waiting. Worth the wait. Would like to try this and Chicago Hot Dogs in a blind taste test.
wonder how easy it is to import that neon green chicago-style-hot-dog relish.
it's just not a vienna beef without that neon green... amazing they have it in vegass
hey guys, long-time listener first-time caller.
Just thought I would post to tell you that I this blog is making me thirsty, also to point out that there is not a very healthy curve of ratings. Most dogs here are either 4.5-5 or 1.
I am just sayin'
but also, if you ever go to Buffalo, try a Ted's red hot. You won't regret.
Next time you come to Salt Lake and sleep at my house, let's explore dog joints of the salty valley.
-Danny's friend
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